Flower Essence Therapy

Reduce stress and renew energy with your personal Heritage Healers wildflower essence therapy made in Australia from Western Australian wildflowers.

Heritage Healers products are based on organic natural plants and the ayurvedic elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
Flower Essences capture the healing qualities of a particular flower; offering a unique way of rebalancing the whole person, body, mind and spirit.
The essences work internally, dissolving stress and tension from within, to enhance your inner vitality, energy levels and well-being.

Using the flowers of “Star of Bethlehem”, “White Orchid”, and “Ursinia”, Heritage Healers are committed to using natural ingredients of the highest quality and effectiveness, derived from enviro-friendly renewable resources. These work in beautiful synergy with your skin, so you can enjoy a pure natural skin care that really works!

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Talk to us about how you can best use our products.

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